Friday, August 28, 2009

Elementary My Dear Watson. Elementary school that is... for Ellie

Ellie is now in elementary school. She had her first day of Kindergarten yesterday. She was so excited that morning that she woke me up around 6am fully dressed in the outfit she picked out the night before with her backpack on. I had to explain to her that school wouldn't actually start until that afternoon. To say she was disappointed is an understatement. Luckily we had other things to occupy her time with. For lunch daddy came home so he could make the trip with us to drop her off for her big first day. She got a little nervous when we arrived but her Daddy was able to give her a pep talk and whisper words of encouragment that chased any doubts she may have had away.
She was thrilled to see two of her good friends Tanner, and Seth that she knows from Church, join her in line for class. I know that also helped with her nervousness.
I have to admit I cried as she started walking in the door. I realized once again that a new chapter in life was starting for her and one was closing for me. She really is growing up fast.
That afternoon when I came to pick her up from school she greeted me with a big smile and caught me up fast on all her going ons in the past three hours of her life. Here it is in a nutshell. She said... "school is amazing". "We got to have two recesses", "Mrs. Moore is soooo nice", "We had to sit criss cross a lot and that hurt my legs after a while", "I earned a wow (little piece of paper with wow written on it) and don't throw those away, when I get nine or ten of them, I get to pick something out of the treasure box.", and "when I was walking out I heard on the speakers that we need to wear purple and gray tomorrow so let's pick out my outfit as soon as we get home." Today when I picked her up she said, "school is still amazing". Lets just hope she's saying that when she's coming home in 9th grade.


Brittney said...

my goodness that girl is gorgeous.. I really don't know how you'll keep the boys away from her. She is such a social bug too that you can't help but love her. She was way fun to have in nursery.

severts6 said...

Tooo cute!! I'm soo glad that you guys are at Floyd!!! And apparently school is still amazing because Ellie told me all about Mrs. Moore today at the birthday party. She is sooo cute!

Kelly said...

So CUTE!! Kate has had the same enthusiasm too. I'll hopefully find my camera cord and post her pictures tonight. I can't believe they are so big

Cami said...
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Cami said...

I love your kids, and what a cute outfit! I can sympathize, when I sent Coby off to kindergarten, and left all by myself, it was all I could do not to start sobbing on the way home. Ellie will have so much fun, and the best part is hearing about their day when you pick them up!

Chelsea said...

Wow - she is the CUTEST! Can't believe she is so grown up! What a beautiful girl Ellie ... I am sure she is going to succeed in school AND soccer :)

Hope you guys are doing well - we miss you! We would LOVE to see you if you come down in October ... still can't believe you were here when we brought Evie home from the hospital ... loved it!

Jess said...

what a bubbly girl, so full of love, and light and life! Love that sweetheart.

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