Friday, June 19, 2009

Summa, summa, summa time....Summertime

We are filling our summer days so far with swim lessons, play dates, taking baths to cool off, dress up, playing on the new swing set, puppy sitting, and making plans for our Washington trip. I just can't believe how fast this summer is going. Good thing we'll have plenty of good memories to sustain us through the school year.


The Clifts said...

Cute puppy, cuter kids! Let me know if you find a box, we'll work it out. Thanks! Or even better, make a side trip to visit us in Texas!

jolley time said...

Ruth the swingset is amazing. you little bargin shopper you! I am so proud of your craigslist find. I love the pics of swimming lessons Conner is going to take his turn soon.

Melissa said...

Cute, cute pictures! Your kids are so very gorgeous! Hope we get to see you while you're here.

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