Saturday, November 8, 2008

Halloween weekend

I'm trying to play catch up on my blog and here is another one I should have posted a week ago. Three postings in one day isn't bad! We had a wonderful time on Halloween. My Sister Debbie and brother in law Jay invited us to join them in California to enjoy the weekend. Tim had Friday off so we took of Thursday evening with Uncle Nathan accompanying us. To say they spoiled us is an understatement! They have a beautiful home and pool! We swam almost every day. I got to go to the movie theatres twice (Debbie and Jays treat). They babysat the kids so Tim and I could go on a couple dates together. They took us out to eat at least 4 times. And last but not least they sent us back home with a carload of goodies. We were treated like royalty. Ellie Gent and Zion got so much attention that I feared that when we got home they would think with just Tim and Me around they would feel neglected. We sure are blessed to have such wonderful family. Deb and Jay are doing such a great job at raising their kids. Nicholas, Nathan, TJ, Amy, and Monica were a delight to be around for all of us. As a bonus we also got to visit some BYU Law school alum/Wymount friends/Lost buddies on our way home. Mike and Chelsea Christensen just had their second baby girl named Evelyn and we got to Ohhhh and Ahhhh over her. She is a precious one. We really feel blessed to have made such good friendships while we were at BYU.


Kelly said...

I love all your catch- ups! Kate was Tinkerbell for Halloween and it looks like Ellie was too!

We'll be around on this Sat., we might have one thing going on. Just let us know when you're coming through!! Yea!

PeavoyMom said...

You are so beautiful Ruth! I clicked on the pic of you and Zion and I just stared at you, you are just gorgeous, and so are your children!
Cute Halloween costumes!

Kari Dawn Edmunds said...

Look what fun you've been having! The kids all look so cute and I can't believe how big Zion is! Don't you love the Vegas temple? I think it is beautiful- especially the inner courtyard. I am so happy things are going so well for you in NV!

Kathryn said...

What a fun weekend! We really should try and go to CA sometime! Debbie is a great MOM and so are you. I am glad you updated!!! I loved all of your posts.

Brittney said...

Your family is sooo beautiful. You probably don't even realize it since you're surrounded by it.

Just thought I'd let you know we're going private on our blog. It doesn't matter if you want to read or not, just thought I'd let you know you're invited. Send me your email address if you want (

PeavoyMom said...

Hey, I don't know if you look at blogs while you're away, but I thought I'd let you know that a group of girls are going to Twilight on Saturday the 22nd. We're going to the 1:20 showing at the Red Rock Casino, most of us already have tickets, we'd love it if you'd come too! (We wanted to go Friday but our ward is having their Thanksgiving Dinner...)

Chelsea said...

It was SUCH a blast seeing you guys on your trip here - love the Halloween costumes! Looks like you also had a fun trip to Utah - so neat you were able to meet up with so many friends! (by the way - have you seen a preview for next season of Lost? .. awesome!)

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