I just got back from a fun filled weekend in Utah. Like I said, it was great fun…but my kids and I are truly happy to be home with my husband and their dad. Things just are not as good when he’s not around. We decided it would be better for him to stay in Pahrump and get some good Bar study in without us there to distract him. So my friend Chelsey Jolley and her kids drove up and back down with us. It was nice having their company and Chelesey’s help. Friday the kids and I met up with Kelsey Clift, Deon Christensen, Anna Gosney, and all their kids to play at an indoor playground in Orem. The kids had an hour and a half to run around, jump, climb, swing, and just laugh themselves silly. Ellie and Gent loved reuniting with old friends. Next I brought Ellie to go get a trim at Bon Losee. Then we did some shopping and eating in Orem. The kids got to go over and play the evening away with Charlie and Rory Clift, while I had a girl’s night with all of Tim’s cousins and sister. Saturday we had a little reunion at Wymount with Kelly Masner and her little girl Kate. A couple of other Wymount friends, Tarmy Lunt and Amy Bogh stopped by with their kids at the playground and we were able to catch up on their latest and greatest. Next we headed off to McDonalds to grab something for the kids and Amy Matthews joined me for an hour and a half as the kids got to run around. Then we headed over to her house to meet up with her boyfriend (whom I definitely approve of Amy, wink-wink!!). Next we met Aunt Jasmine at Chuck E cheeses. As we walked in Gent turned to me and said “Chuck E Cheeses… this is where a kid can be a kid”. They loved using up the tokens we still had left over from the last time we visited with Grandma Louise. That evening Aunt Jasmine and Uncle Chase watched the kids as I headed out to The New Kids on the Block concert at the “E” Center in Salt Lake with my friend Amy Matthews, Kathy Palmer and Alexis. This was the whole reason for the trip. It was Great with a capitol G. We had amazing seats. I pretty much was 5 feet away from David Archuleta the whole time as we watched the concert. I never thought myself as a start struck person hmmm. Natasha Bedingfield opened for the NKOTB and she is one of my favorites. She was just as good in person as she is on the radio. Pure talent. The new kids are just as cute as I remember, (but still not as cute as Tim- nobody can hold a flame to my husband). In the middle of the show they sang a couple of songs right next to our seats. I pretty much could just reach out my arm and touch them, that’s how close I was! I felt like my little eleven year old self all over again. Sunday we were able to go to Sacrament with Tim’s cousins and Aunt Jasmine. It was a great way to end the weekend. So to rap this up in a nutshell the weekend was fabulous minus the fact that Tim couldn’t be with us. I feel truly blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family to visit. Ellie, Gent and Ellie were sad to leave. I on the other hand knew what I would be coming back to so I couldn’t get back fast enough. Record Time in fact- 6 ½ hours with all the stops! It was great having my hubby sleeping next to me again last night.
ps I'll add real pictures when I get them.
How fun!!! NKOTB??? You are too cute!
Danny, Donny, Jordan, John and Joe...like oh my gosh!!! I remember dreaming about these guys at the ripe old age of 12. And I agree, I always sleep better next to my husband too!! Glad to hear you had fun. I miss seeing you all!
I can't wait to see the pictures. It sounds like you had a great time. You are definitely loved and we missed you down here!!
Sounds like you had way too much fun for an old married lady! I love it. Good for you. See you soon!
i am SO jealous! i was going to go to the nkotb concert here in atlanta with a friend but we decided it was too close to my due date, gosh darn it! glad you had fun! :)
I haven't got my NKOTB post up yet but I also don't have my voice back yet....maybe I was a little too excited!
Hey friends! Happy Thanksgiving!!
We are thankful to know you! My friends even had the NKOTB sleeping bags, sheets & curtains growing up! haha "Step by step,... ooh baby!!" haha
Okay- seriously! I love, love, love that you went to that concert!! What fun! Sounds like the perfect girls weekend!
Ha ha! I'm glad you had a great time! Your kids are way to cute. Say hit to Gent from Rebecca for me!
I saw the American Idols perform this past summer and it's true...Archuletta is great live. We got some autograps after as well. None from Archuletta though. Did I ever tell you the story of where I jumped Joey McIntyre? Back in the late 90's when he came back with his solo albumn. Anyway, I am so jealous you saw NKOTB! I'll be loving them forever.
It really cracks me up that you went to a New Kids on the Block concert! I was so in love with them when I was younger. I had one of those huge buttons that also had an easel on the back so you could set it on your desk (do you remember those?) with Jordan's face on it.
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