This one is for you Katherine! I’ve been sick with a pretty bad cold for the past week. I woke up Tuesday morning with a sore throat and it progressed pretty fast from there. By Wednesday evening I looked like something dragged out of a grave after being buried for a couple years. Okay so that’s a little bit of an exaggeration but that’s how I felt. Well before picking Tim up for work that evening I decided to do a quick stop at the grocery store for some necessities. When your bodies aching, you’ve got a headache, you can barely breathe, and you have three kids to pack along with you…nothing is quick. Well once I got all that I needed and the cashier had rung everything up I went to swipe my debit card and it happened. I sneezed. Not just any ole sneeze. The kind you see the little boy at the park do right before he touches the swing that you were going to put your kid in next. The kind that makes you feel so embarrassed for the sneezer that you say a little prayer of comfort for them in your evening prayers. It’s the kind of sneeze that after witnessing it takes everything in you to not loose your lunch. The snot sneeze! Yup that was me. The almost thirty year old mother of three standing there with my hands covered not knowing what to do since all my wipes and tissues were in the car. Instantly my oldest daughter Ellie started repeating how disgusting and gross that was and the cashier looks at me totally sickened (can’t blame him I would have been gagging if I were him) and asks me “uh….what do you…want me…to DO?” I then reply “can I get a tissue?” The bagger then looks at me and says they don’t have any. The cashier looks at her and tells her desperately to go find some. So as I’m standing there waiting, I make the conscious effort to not turn around and see who else has witnessed this, and decide that I’m not going to be embarrassed. There are two other grocery stores in this community and I don’t have to return to this one for as long as I want! There you have it. I’ve been humbled and if you are ever near me and need a tissue I guarantee you I’ll have one on me! Or at least a baby wipe.
Sick! Who does that? Pretty funny. I would've helped you and maybe only snickered a little. I saw your picture on the Christensen's blog. how fun that you guys got to visit them. Good luck getting over your cold.
Yuck! Great description of a truly humiliating experience! But you'll get over it because you have a sense of humor. I missed a couple of your posts--sorry. Th temple date sounded really nice. And what a fun trip to CA to be with family. Can't wait to see you at Thanksgiving. Are you running in the 5K?
That sounds not too fun and pretty embarrasing! Sorry I couldn't be there for you with a tissue! I can't wait to see you next week for NKOTB!!!
Hillarious. I had to share it with Robert--we both had a pretty good laugh. I've done that so many times--once my nose even started bleeding. The cashier handed me a plastic bag. I think a paper one would've been more effective. lol
Oh that stinks... I HATE snot sneezes, you truly truly feel like a DISGUSTING person after sneezing like that!
I laughed so hard at your expence... sorry. And then I had a whole day of those sneezes, luckily it was at home, unfortunatly it was on Sunday and we missed church because we all had the snot sneezes!
At least you had the decency to cover up your snot sneeze with your hand, the cashier should be greatful that she didn't get a faceful of it!!!
Okay, I can so relate. I have had the same sick bug for almost a week, that's why I am up at 4am!! And I didn't snot sneeze at the store but my little experience was so embarrassing you'll have to call to get details, I'm not as brave as you!!
Oh man. I don't know what else to say! That is hilarious. You can always count on kids to broadcast anything you want kept quiet! At least you don't have to go back... :)
I have to admit that I laughed again even though I already know the story! I am sorry but way funny!! You did a great job describing it!
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