Thursday, January 13, 2011

This update is loooooong overdue

I've been meaning to update for lets see....6 months?!! I decided to just add our 2010 family newsletter and hope that counts for something! Life is busy and I seem to find other things to fill my time. Arghh wish I had a better excuse!


Nicole said...

Congratulations! I can't believe how big your kids are getting. Good luck with #4. They are so adorable!

Kelly said...

Wow!!! So exciting that you updated your blog, I might just get there one of these days!!! ahh

So exciting baby #4?!!! Yea.

LOVE you all and Miss you guys!

Jess said...

Yay! Happy family is BACK! Good to hear from you. Glad you are all well. Love from CA.

The Clifts said...

I want to see a belly picture! I miss your family.

Courtney said...

I'm so excited for you, #4, it will be so fun. I can't believe how much alike your girls look, Zion is like Ellie in miniature. I am glad to see you are back to blogging, you all had a busy year, now I need to post on my blog.

The Believing Woman said...

Beautiful family.

fortbrownie said...

Just peaking in...Diane

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