It was my first time experiencing a college football game outside of Provo Utah and let me just tell you…it is not the same. I had no idea it was legal to drink beer or bring in flasks of liquor to a college game. We heard and saw some interesting things.

The Rebels started off strong but 10 minutes before half time the course started changing. It was sad to see the lack of support as Rebel fans started leaving when they still had a fighting chance. Well we stuck it through and sadly weren’t rewarded other than being able to give Adam a big hug and say better luck next time.

Kathryn took some great pictures and not only shared them with me, but had people approach her with their e-mail addresses asking them to take pictures of their family or their football player. It sure is nice having photographers in the family.

Zion was amazing as always. She loved the crowds and cheered and screamed with the best of them. She even feel asleep for about 20 minutes of the game.
Those are cute pictures--and I can hardly wait to see Adams' game on the 18th. And hopefully see you guys, too. The women's broadcast was awesome--I hope women all over were really listening to their words of inspiration.
FUN!! I am not a huge football fan but I love to go to games and enjoy friends, fun and all the excitement that comes with it! And Zion is absolutely adorable!
That is a totally cute picture of Zion!!! Looks like you guys had a blast. Thanks for coming to dinner the other night. To much fun!
Hey...those pictures look familiar. I am glad that you put them on your blog because I was feeling bad for not posting football this week. We had a lot of fun at the game with you guys too!
Fun! I need to call you tomorrow about the little leggings. I got the socks and can't remember how to make them. Just thought I'd warn you that I am going to call...:)
All that red. I don't know what to say. You better change into blue right after and cheer for the right team when BYU and UNLV play. jk.
Wow, that's a cute pic of Zion. Love going to football games. I don't really like to watch them, and I don't understand them, but I love going to them with friends and cheering. Sounds fun.
Okay- Adam is not so little anymore! Seriously I am shocked- I can't believe it- where does the time go? I love that you are there to cheer him on and support him- even if it does mean wearing red. :)
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