Monday, September 22, 2008

Family, School, and football, football...FOOTBALL

I love the fall! With the start of school, The cooler weather, the great TV shows starting up and Of course there's the football, how can you not?!!. Once again, here is everything in a nutshell...
-Three weeks ago my sister, Aunt Debbie and Uncle Jay and their girls, Monica and Amy came to visit for a fun filled weekend celebrating our nephew Taylor’s Baptism. It was wonderful of course. They brought their Karaoke machine and gave us a copy of High school Musical to watch and KEEP!! Need I say more?

-Ellie and Gent started Preschool two weeks ago. They love it! They've made new friends, learned new songs and love bringing home the crafts they made. Their Aunt Kathryn is a talented teacher with all of her attention grabbing skills. I get to be her helper for the month and then get a break from preschool until my turn to teach in January.

-Uncle David along with Aunt Fatima and their girls came for a visit this week and of course once again it has been an amazing time having family here. Ellie and Gent would love to have extended family live in our home year round. Their family spoils them like non else.
-Young Women’s has been a delight. I'm still getting the hang of it and still getting to know the girls better but I fall more in love with my calling every day.
-Two weeks ago I started Kickboxing again on Mon, Wed, and Fri at 6:30am. Chelsea Jolly who just recently moved here to Pahrump is the teacher and what a great teacher she is. She makes you feel like you can conquer the world. I know how silly I look (there are large mirrors that prove it) but she just keeps on encouraging and complementing. I'm so lucky to have her here!

-Zion got another round of shots. Poor girl! she is a trooper. Crawling faster then any 8 month old I've seen, and still just as content as can be!
-Tim has been enjoying being able to go watch my little brother Adam play Football at UNLV the past few weeks with my brothers and Sisters in law Kathryn. Adam hasn’t actually had playing time yet. But it’s still been fun cheering on his team. I've opted out due to timing and other things. But next week after the General Relief Society broadcast (Yee-haw) I’ll be joining in wearing my Red decor cheering for those Rebels.
-And Of course I've got to do a little shout out to BYU Football for now ranking number 11. GooooOOOO Courgars

That’s my life in a nutshell. We are happy and striving to enjoy all that life has to offer.


Linda said...

Good to catch up on your lives. Sounds like you're doing the busy family thing, and you wouldn't want it any other way! Hug those babies for me!

carly said...

sounds like you are having so much fun! and i'm so jealous of your kickboxing class. i'm going to have to join some kind of a class at byu in january to get rid of unwanted fat! you can be my motivation!

Kathryn said...

Cute background!! Even though I knew all of the stuff you wrote about, I love reading it on your blog. See you tomorrow!!

PeavoyMom said...

I'm lovin' preschool for the boys too. It's so funny that your group is mostly girls, and ours is all boys except for poor Briley.

Megan said...

You've been keeping busy, fall is nice because everything is new and lots to do with school and things getting started. And PS Zion's adorable.

The Clifts said...

I love when you post new pictures, your kidds just seem older and older everytime I see pictures. I miss you all. I'll have to tell you about our new plans to move down there...

Alice said...

thanks for the comment--it's good to hear from you :D. Kickboxing, wow! I should be that ambitious. I can't believe how big Zion is. Gorgeous girl.

Chelsea said...

Sounds like you guys are doing great and keeping busy with company, football and everything else! I can't believe how much Zion reminds me of Ellie in that picture! I'm so excited you're coming to California soon - PLEASE email us and let us know when. I'll be in the hopsital on Oct 30th having this baby girl - but maybe you're coming before then?

Vanessa said...

great so see you today. Where's Zion in that top photo?

Kari Dawn Edmunds said...

Looks like you guys are doing so good! I love to see the pics- your family is BEAUTIFUL! You are going to be a great YW president! And I'm with you- our life right now is pretty much all about school and the fall sports! Go Cougs!

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