Saturday, June 7, 2008

Our new home sweet home

We did it! We found a home and we love it. We know if it weren't for Heavenly Father hearing our prayers we could have never found such a great deal. We actually found out about the seller accepting our offer two weeks ago, but I decided to wait for better Internet connection to post the pictures and write this post. We close on the 27Th of this only a few more weeks and we can move in. It's been great staying at my brothers house and to be honest we are very comfortable. We've been able to save up money and the company is great!

Here is a little bit about our home. It was built in 2006 and is on a third of an acre lot located in Artesia, one of the first housing developments when you drive into Pahrump from Vegas. It is a four bedroom, three bath, 2500 sq. ft. home. The people who built the home decided to include all the upgrades. I never realized that things such as lighting fixtures could be an upgrade so I'm glad they did. The granite is beautiful, I love the tiling and the extra padding under the carpet is a definite plus. I think my favorite part it the master bath and walk-in closet. The closet in the master bedroom is almost the same size of our children's old bedroom. The tub is amazing. It will be such a luxury on those cold snowy winter nights. Oh yeah...we don't have those here in Nevada. The vaulted shower is just a little smaller then our bathroom was back in Wymount. We really will have more space then we know what to do with, but I'm doing my best to keep my eye out for deals to fill it. My older brother Will and sister Mindie are going to give us their old (but newer) fridge, washer and dryer. We feel very blessed. Check out the slide show above!

Ellie and Gent will miss living with their Cousins, but they are thrilled to be staying here in Pahrump. I can't wait to have Zion in her own room so we can go back to sleeping through the night. We are excited about our new church ward as well. We miss our old neighborhood and community in Provo but we are anxious to be making memories in this new one.

*Oh and Tim is still loving his job! Just last week on Sunday night he said "I would be sad that the weekends over, but I love my job so much that I don't mind."
*I'm getting better with my runs. I've got my 5k down to 36 minutes. My goal is to be down to 32 minutes by the end of this summer. Little by little.


jenn gent said...

Looks like a great house. Congratulations!

Heather said...

Ruth, such a gorgeous house! Looks beautiful! I am so excited for you. Quite an upgrade from 900 sq feet at y mount, or was it 600 sq feet? Super fun! we miss you, but are happy for you.

Brittney said...

Congrats on the home! That is so exciting!! You guys deserve it. It sounds wonderful.

Way to go with the running too. I'm trying to get in the mood of going right now. The biggest pain is knowing I have to wash my hair and do it all over again! Are you running a 5k race this summer?

Oh and Wymount's 2-bedrooms are 655 sq ft I believe.

katherine said...

that will be so fun to have your new home! i just love name pahrump--someone had fun with that name. glad you are enjoying everything so far-it makes all the difference!

Kelly said...

I can't even believe what a beautiful house!! YEA. As I was reading about all the room you'll have I was thinking how amazing that will be, mostly when you compare it to Wymount! It will be so exciting to fill it up!!

Nicole said...

Congrats. Everything sounds wonderful.

Melanie said...

WOW Ruth! Congrats!I still remember talking to you for the last time in the Wymount Laundry Room!I never thought that would be the last time! And here you have three kids and a house!Congrats!They're all so cute and you look great!You should have Christina link your blog to the Wymount blog!I can't even remember how I got to your blog!

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

Oh wow! That is so awesome! We are still looking for a house but can't seem to find anything we love in our price range. Wow, way to go on the running! I don't think I've worked out at all since the move.. and it shows! I'm so glad Tim loves his job, you guys are the best!

Meagan said...

Wow. That is so exciting for you guys. Good luck! Also, that picture of you and Ellie is beautiful. You are both beautiful women.

The Clifts said...

I love the new picture of you and ellie. I don't know if I a mjust way post pardum or what, but seeing that made me want to cry. I just miss you guys so much. I wish we could come down for the 4th. Maybe we'll win the lottery. Which would be pretty amazing since we don't even have the lottery here.

Becki said...

I love it, Ruth! It's amazing! You are going to love having so much space! Way to go! We miss you here, but I am SO excited for you!

Jenae said...

Your house is beautiful. :) We are so happy for you guys. We miss seeing you but we are glad you are doing so well.

the Gardners said...

Congratulations on the house! We are dreaming of our time when we have paid our dues here at the Y and get to buy a house, too! I also love that picture for your header. Way cute! Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I noticed you put the house address on your may want to take that off for safety reasons. Your kids are too cute! Seriously, sorry for mentioning it!

Kari Dawn Edmunds said...

congrats- I am so excited for you! You are going to do such cute things with it! And make it home. Can't wait to see more pictures and Zion is ADORABLE! I also love your new picture heading on the blog.

Emily said...

I'm so excited for you! The house is awesome! It's great that you are doing so well. Heavenly Father is blessing you because you're such great people!

Chelsea said...

Ok - that is NOT your house?!?! It is AMAZING! Ruth - I am SO excited for you guys - what a big deal, and it is so beautiful! You guys deserve it - what are you going to do with all the room? haha It's only 4 times the size of Wymount :)

Chris & Kimber said...

Congrats on your home it is beautiful. Seeing that picture of you & Ellie really makes me miss her. She is so dang cute. I miss having her say Hi to me when she is outside playing. It's good to hear that everything is going good for you guys though. Life is good for us also.

Misty said...

today's the day! congrats on being a homeowner

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