Okay so I don't have any great pictures to post...scratch that...I don't have ANY pictures to post, but I thought I should make some kind of entry to let the blogging world know that the Sutton family does still exist! My camera accessories that I use to download pictures are all packed up along with 99% of everything else we own in my Oldest brother Will's Garage. SOOOO I can take pictures-I just can't share them. I'm sure all your little hearts are broken not being able to see how we have all changed in the past 4 weeks. I'll do my best to describe. Ellie and Gent are getting darker by the day from all the hours they spend in the sun. Zion is growing like a weed...an extremely Cute weed that is. Tim is the happiest most relaxed he has ever looked without the stresses of school weighing him down. I have lost 30 pounds. Okay that last sentence is a lie. I've been working out like a beast with my sister Mindie almost everyday and I have still got the 30 pounds of pregnancy bulge to lose. I do feel healthier from all the running and weight lifting but the scale hasn't been to generous in letting go of those extra numbers. Oh well, I know eventually it will come. It always does.
Pahrump has been great to us. Tim LOVES his job. Did you notice I capitalized the loves? Almost everyday he comes home saying "I've got the best job...I just love it! It is so fantastic hearing that. It tickles me pink knowing my husband is so pleased. Ellie and Gent love living with cousins and having another set so close by. They think their life is one big party now. Ellie has made friends and a crush (cute little Liam) from church as well. Like I mentioned above Zion is growing a ton. She is so dang chubby compared to her big brother and sister at her age and I love it. She smiles and coos all the time. She has more attention then she knows what to do with. Her Cousin's Ashton, Makayla, and Emily never let her rest when they are around. I have met and made friends with some wonderful people. The members of the Church have been so friendly. The Church of Jesus Christ of latter day Saints is truly the same no matter where you go. It is one big happy family. We do feel extremely welcomed and wanted. I'm excited to get to know everyone better.
Now we are just patiently waiting to hear back about an offer on a house. If we don't get that we'll keep plugging away looking for another. Keep us in your prayers that we'll find one soon, although it's extremely comfortable staying at my Brother Will and sister Mindie's house. No matter how much they say we are not a burden or inconvenience, I'm sure they'll be happy when we find a home too.
Monday, May 19, 2008
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It's so good to finally see an update! I'm so happy Tim loves his job. Sounds like your sweet children are doing well. I will definitely pray for you to find a house! We are closing on ours on Wednesday. It will happen for you, I promise. It's not the funnest thing to do but so worth it once the offer goes through, then the loan, and things start happening. It's a great feeling. Take care Ruth! We miss you.
Liam loves Ellie.
I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you guys. Good luck with the house hunting. I can't wait for the day we are doing that! We miss you guys! It's so weird around here now with so many people gone.
Oh I am so happy for you, Tim, and the kiddos. And I'm sure your family loves having you there too! I have been thinking of you and wondering how your move is going so I'm really glad you updated! And um, I'm right there with you with the 30 pounds to lose. Why doesn't it just melt off? :) But they are so worth it! Good luck with the house!
And please tell Will and Mindi hi for me!
Molly from Beazer homes called me on Sat. and told me that she could drop the house down to $200,000. We already got the Concordia house, so we don't need it. Just thought you might be interested.
Hey Ruth! I have to say I am extremely envious. Luke is not sure he likes his job, in fact he is a bit discouraged and the kids wish they had more friends. Savannah still talks about Ellie and all her "old" friends. But I am SO happy for you! I am super glad things are going so well for you and Tim. You are so so awesome and deserve it all! Good luck with the house!
Yeah! I"m so excited to see the update! We miss you guys a TON! I can't tell you how happy I am to hear how well things are going for you ... and I'm so happy that Tim loves his job. I need to call you guys so we can catch up on LOST! (Hello!!!) I actually can't wait to see pictures of your kids ... I'm sure Zion has changed in 4 weeks! Keep in touch! Tell everyone hello for me!
Ruthie!! Congrats again on the house! Yea! It was so good to hear from you. I can't wait to see pictures... maybe your internet connection will improve (we can hope:) one of these days!
I miss you guys. It is so sad to come home from work and not see you and your kids out at the playground. Hardly anyone goes out there anymore. I hope things are going well, I bet it is so exciting to be out of school and out of BYU housing.
Um, I hear that it might be time for another update?
So glad to hear you're doing well. I'd love to see the pics when you get them from the camera. I think that's the only way I keep in touch with people anymore.
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