Monday, April 7, 2008

Gotta love G.C.

Sweet little Zion just after nodding off
Notice the pierced ear?

We had such a great weekend watching General Conference (televised conference talks given by our Prophet, apostles, and other church leaders). Of course it's always hard trying to hear it all when you have three restless children wanting your attention, but I have to say we did pretty dang good. There were so many great talks that I hate to say I had favorites, but of course there always are. One talk that really hit home for me was by Sister Cheryl C. Lant. She talked a lot about the importance of family traditions and if they draw us closer to the Savior/Gospel. It really made me think about things I need to implement and also made me think about the things we are already doing. She stated that the only way we can truly be converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ is through the Holy Ghost. So this made me realize once again how important it is to have the spirit in the home and the things we need to do and not do to insure this. I also loved the short, but sweet talk that was given by President Monson at the end. I love his sweet sense of humor and his deep love for our Savior. I am thankful for our New Prophet and his love for all of us.
Last night after we finished Scriptures, Ellie asked Tim if she could share with him a true story. She then went on to tell us the story of Joseph Smith and his experience in trying to find the true church and praying about it in the Sacred Grove. The spirit touched my heart as she was relating this story and it made me realize once again that our children are listening and although they are young they are ready to learn. I love the Gospel and am thankful for Jesus Christ and all he has made possible for me.


Emily said...

That story about Ellie is so sweet! Isn't it nice to know that the things you're teaching are making a difference. General Conference was great and I also loved that talk. I've actually been thinking about it all day. We are so blessed to be able to hear from our leaders.

Emily said...

Oh, and I love the new blog design. It looks very cute!

Scrap Pages
