Sunday was my 29Th Birthday and I have to say I was spoiled Royally. We started celebrating on Friday night with Dinner at Toucano's. It is a fantastic Brazilian Restaurant that serves all different kinds of meat and has a huge salad bar. For your birthday they send you a buy one and get one free dinner coupon. Kids 6 and under eat free so our family really can't go wrong. Ellie loves the meat, Gent loves the salad bar, Tim and I just love the whole thing, and Zion reaps the benefits when she nurses! It's all you can eat and I have to say I'm pretty proud of myself. Usually you have to roll me out at the end. But this time I just needed a little shove through the exit. That night Tim let me pick out the movie. Usually I'll pick a high adventure so we are both happy but I felt like a good teen girllie movie. So Sydney White it was. I love Amanda Bynes! She is just so sillingly(I know it's not a word) funny. I loved it and Tim actually enjoyed it too (of course he was doing school work as we watched). Saturday, Tim let me read my book all night long (Pretties by Scott Westerfeld). If you know me well, you know what a present this is. Sunday morning I was surprised by a spread of "Breakfast" on the Kitchen table. Tim always teases me on my breakfast choices. If I had to choose I would always pick a Snickers bar (or any candy) over a "real" breakfast and then usually I complain about my stomach being upset after. He always responds to this by "Hmmm, I wonder why?" For my birthday he covered the table in an assortment of candies. What a way to start the day. I stayed strong and picked cereal over this present. I do have to admit though...ten minutes after finishing breakfast I ate two Reese's cups. Tim and the kids spoiled me with presents. A new frying pan, ear buds (skull candy) for my i-pod, and a gift card to Goldsmith Jewelers. There are stories behind them all...so you'll have to ask me sometime what they are. Church was great. The Primary sang to me and Ellie loved telling others it was my Birthday. Tim let me take a 2 1/2 hour nap after church. Oh, life couldn't have been better. Tim made a fantastic dinner with steak and rice pilaf. Jasmine and Chase joined us and brought a delicious Salad and Banana Cake. To top it off Tim's cousin Charity and the family dropped by earlier with her famous Chocolate cake. So it was Double dessert for us all. Wow What a day! The phone never stopped ringing from all the family and friends calling. I truly count myself blessed to be another year older. I just can't believe that next year I'll be Thirty. Last year my mom got a little confused and told everyone that I was turning thirty (but i was only 28). This year Tim asked me how old I was. I told him 29. He then replied...Weren't you thirty last year?!. He thinks he's so funny.
I don't have any pictures from my birthday but here is a digi scrap page I finished last night. enjoy!
Sounds like you had an incredible birthday - you definitely deserve it! I felt SO silly because that night after you dropped off the cake I was going to bed and remembered it was your birthday - I'm SO sorry! :) Your digi-scrap pages turned out GREAT too!
Hey Ruth! Happy Birthday! I hope you don't mind that I found your blog. What a sweet husband you have. Your baby girl is so cute! You make me want to start doing digital scrapbooking. Our blog is feronsfamilyfun.blogspot.com.
Ruth it sounds like you had a pretty amazing day. I love birthdays! I try to milk mine out for a week at least. Happy Birthday!
I love you scrapbook pages. It makes me so jealous. I really need to keep up on mine. I'm about 3 years and 3 kids behind. So good for you. :)
so i was going to ask if your scrapbook pages were digital, but i got my answer from the other comments. ha. i think i might want to start going that route now. it was fun to see the ones you have done so far. do you find it is easier/faster to do them digitally? happy 29th!
I'm so glad you started a blog :) We miss you guys!
Ruth! Remind me to tell you about how your Tuccano's experience inspired me... Love you!
Hey, it's Amber (Pahrump, I don't know if you know any other Amber's). Super cute blog and what a fun b-day! I'm interested to hear about the jokes behind the presents and I can't wait to get to know you better.
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