Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Good times reminiscing

Gent getting a haircut from Uncle Adam
(I swear this kids hair grows five times as fast as mine)

Ellie holding baby Zi-Zi
(She loooooves holding her baby sister, it's one of the first things she asks for in the morning when she gets up)

Daddy-Daughter nap time
Tim is such a great dad!
Today is just one of those days I feel so grateful for my little family. I am trying to catch up on all my scrapbooking and I just love going through pictures and reminiscing on the good times. It's a little overwhelming right now knowing that life is changing and we will no longer be making most of those memories here in Provo, Utah but in Pahrump, Nevada. I am really going to miss this place and all the fun times we have had here. Good thing there is always BYU Football, Education Week, Women’s Conference, and last but not the least in one bit... our FAMILY to draw us back!! I've started packing the boxes, saying my goodbyes to friends, and arranging the moving van. 2 1/2 weeks and we are out of here. I still can't believe we have lived in this little 650 sq. ft., 2 bedroom, 1 bath apartment with no washer or dryer, for over 5 years!! Wymount will always be a fun memory. We've loved our ward and all the friends we have met here. It's comforting to know I’ve got all my closest little friends and bestest big friend moving with me!


Kari Dawn Edmunds said...

I am so glad you are blogging! It is such a fun way to keep in touch! I love the pics! Your kids are getting so big! And Nevada? I need details! I'll send you my blog link soon as its up!

Parri said...

I didn't know you were moving to Nevada! I guess I was still hoping you might move back to Washington. Well I can imagine it will be hard to leave, but it will be a whole new experience for your little family. Good luck with the move. What BEAUTIFUL kids!!!

Brittney said...

Hi Ruth, it's Brittney Fairbourn! Wow, everyone is moving. I had no idea where Pahrump, NV was... so I looked it up! Looks like you'll be about 2-3 hrs from where we will be in St. George?

I hope your move goes well and you enjoy life in Nevada. Your kids are sooooooooooo adorable. I can't emphasize that enough. You're great parents.

Nicole said...

Ruth, so nice to find you in the blogging world. I have to say that your family was one of the greatest things about living in Wymount. It's hard to move, but life must go on. Um.. I don't think there is such a place as Pahrump, NV, jk.

Aaron and Kim said...

Suttons, Congratulations about everything! Zion looks adorable and so peaceful. And oh my goodness, Gent and Ellie have grown! Congratulations on moving out of Wymount and Provo. We wish you the best in Pahrump, Nevada. Wow, we were surprised to hear that's where you are heading. We will really miss you guys! Love, Kim and Aaron Utterback

carly said...

i'm so sad you guys are moving. i'll always be sad! let me know if you need help with packing / moving.

Brittney said...

Hey Ruth, you'll have to tell Tim to ask Kent about the cheap games. Anyone can do it. Does he already have an XBox? Kent has now ordered three new games for $4-5 each. Basically, you have to sign up for certain "offers" - which is cheap initially, but if you forget to cancel your membership - you are charged big time. That's the whole trick is to make sure you remember to cancel. And you have to not mind them trying to talk you out of it any way they can.

Megan said...

Ruth we are so sad you guys are leaving! But hey, we probably are too so I guess I couldn't ask you to stay for us :) I guess we will see you once before you leave, I am really glad you started a blog.

The Miller's said...

Hey you! I didn't know you had a blog! Glad I found it. Now I can keep up on your exciting life :-)

Miss you!

Jess said...


Isn't that town part of a Christmas song? Pahrump pum pum pummmm. haha . I'm so excited for you and your beautiful little family to start this new adventure together. I think you're an amazing mom, and your kids have been so fun to know. Love ya!

Brits said...

I'm glad I found your blog! Cute kids!!

Becki said...

Hey Ruth!
I miss you being upstairs! Our stairwell seems so empty without your stroller and your kids' little voices. Anyway, your blog looks so cute! How are you liking Vegas?

The Clifts said...

Okay, it's officially been a month since you've posted. I expect you to get right on that. It's not like you have anything else to do, you lazy bum. jk. Have I told you today how much I miss you?!

Matt and Courtney Orme said...

So your coming to Nevada huh? Welcome to the HEAT and guess what?? your going to be in our Stake. fun huh? I have only heard wonderful things about the ward in Pahrump. So exciting that Tim has graduated. Good for you guys! Well, welcome to Nevada! it's great!

Matt and Courtney Orme said...

OH if you want to check out our blog it's and I forgot to say you have the cutest family ever! you guys are awesome!

PeavoyMom said...

Welcome to Pahrump Ruth! Your friends are right, you need to update this, lol, that's a pretty old post. For all readers, Ruth is doing great, and making friends, and my son Liam totally has a crush on Ellie, and I think the feeling is recipricated (cute 4 year old love). We're so happy to have you in our ward (even if it's just for a short time until you get your own house). Your family is beautiful!
Kym Peavoy

Scrap Pages
