Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Oh the things they say...

Last Sunday as I was putting on my Make-up (foundation) getting ready for church, Ellie asked if she could have some too. I said to her, "No, not this kind". Very seriously she replied, “But I want to look like a clown too”. Yup, that was my darling little Ellie!


Kathryn said...

I laughed just as much reading that as I did when you told me. Kids are amazing! Cute picture of Ellie. She looks so innocent.

Linda said...

That's a crack up! I'm glad you are writing these things down--great material for a YW comedy show!

Chris & Kimber said...

That is really funny. I can't believe how big your kids are getting.

Nicole said...

You can remind her of this when she's older and thinks she needs to wear makeup. BTW I have never seen you look like a clown. Always beautiful.

jenn gent said...

So funny! And a very cute pic of Ellie!

PeavoyMom said...

I've been meaning to tell you that your makeup was a little extreme, but I'm glad Ellie took care of it for me. lol. Of course I'm kidding! You are a doll... and so is Ellie! (Just ask Liam, he says that you are his favorite Mom friend... and Cambria. You should feel special.)

Emily said...

That is hilarious!

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