On the day of her actual birthday Ellie woke us up early to gather around her birthday tree to open up presents.

Her favorite gift was a poodle costume and when we weren't at church she had it on all the rest of the day. I think she might have even slept in it that night! That Evening for dinner we had family over for pizza and french fries (Ellie's request). She loved being able to share part of "her day" with some of her cousins. The house was a zoo but we all had a wonderful time. Later the night of the 21st, we were also surprised with a visit from a long time friend Christina Wright Kindt and her husband Kevin. Their flight had been canceled and needed a place to stay for the next couple days as they waited for the next available flight. Ellie loved having more guests join her party and It was great fun for us to have them as house guest for the following days.
You are the perfect "party mom!"
My girls had so much fun at the party! Thanks for always including my kids in the fun!
Wow - I can't believe Ellie is 5!!! I remember when she was born (I made the poster for your stairwell, remember ?!? haha) What a beautiful girl she is - sounds like her party was so fun! and i absolutely love the pictures of your family at the top of the blog - you are all so beautiful! We miss you guys - only 13 more days until Lost premieres!
My comment is pretty much the same as Chelsea's (except I've never seen LOST--guess I should get on the ball) Can't believe she's 5! And your family pics in the title have to be the best. I love Gent's the most, but they are all soooo good. You have a talented photographer.
Wow, beautiful family pictures. I thought I commented here before, but apparently I didn't. Ellie is just the most gorgeous five year old I've ever seen. And you know the best part about Ellie is she makes everyone feel like they are her friend. It was so fun to watch her in nursery - she was so good at names. She always acknowledged every child. Your kids are really going to make a difference in the world!
I want you to come visit again soon. This time for longer and you can being Tim too. :) Tell him GOOD LUCK!
You guys have the cutest family!
She is beautiful! The party sounds like so much fun and your house looks so cute for Christmas. I love the pics of Christmas- especially Zion's sweet face! Happy New Year!
Happy ever so super late Birthday Ellie!
Ruth, Ellie is so beautiful and so big now! I'm sorry I haven't visited sooner, but I will keep coming back now. I'be just been so busy having another baby! Come visit me too! Your family has grown and is so beautiful! I miss living downstairs!
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