On Wednesday August 27th Genty Boy turned a whooping three years old! In the days preceding his birthday he would wake up each morning and after naps saying "is it my birthday now?" and also say stuff like "when I get my Spiderman suit for my birthday..." or "I want to where my Batman slippers that I'm going to get on my birthday". I'm sure glad he decided to share with me what he was getting for his birthday. Pretty much anything that had to do with superheros was on his list. He's gotten in a very big Spiderman, Batman, Incredible Hulk, Superman, you get the idea, kick. We have a family tradition to open up birthday presents right when we wake up. On Gent’s birthday he woke us up at 1:30am and 3:30am by coming into our room crying about it being time to open up presents. We ended up getting up the third time this happened at 6:30am. That night as I was falling asleep exhausted I was strongly considering changing that tradition.
He gave us the greatest reactions with every present he unwrapped. I think the very best part of the day for him was Skate Zone. We had a Youth activity at the local roller skating rink and they allowed all the leaders and youth to bring there families along. Of course Gent took the liberty of believing every one was there to celebrate his 3rd birthday. It was great how a lot of the youth and family went along with it and sang and said Happy Birthday whenever they had the chance. He loved skating but every once and a while he would have a hard time getting from one place to the next with the skates on. When I would ask him if he wanted me to take them off he would say "No mommy, its my birthday".

I was told by my pediatrician that if I was content with nursing there was no real reason to start solids until Zion’s first Birthday. Well I decide last week that I was ready to introduce some new foods to Zion’s diet. So with a little help from Ellie, baby Zi had her first helping of rice cereal. You can see for yourself that she enjoyed herself. I’m glad I waited and did it when I felt she was ready. Way easier this way! She already eats like a pro swallowing 90% of whatever I spoon into her mouth vs. Gent and Ellie who spit 90% of it out.

Tim and I celebrated our anniversary a little on Friday and a lot on Monday. We had plans for Joe and Kathryn’s family to watch our kids on Friday night but Ellie woke up the day before with a little bit of a fever and cough. Therefore we decided it would be better for her not to be around other kids just in case. We enjoyed take-out Chinese food and Tim and I cuddled on the couch after the kids were in bed. We decided since Friday wasn't much on the celebration side that we would dedicate Monday for a "post anniversary" celebration. On Monday Tim treated me royally by letting me sleep in until 10!!! I actually got up to feed Zion at 6:30, but got to go straight back to sleep. When I woke up the house was clean, the laundry separated, the office organized, and the kids dressed and fed! What a way to start the day. We spent the rest of the day touring Pahrump and enjoying the cooler weather. We got to hold a potbelly pig, buy new home décor, eat hamburgers and milk shakes, "drive to California", Dance, watch August Rush, and play some phase 10. It was all great but I think the best part was just being reminded once again how lucky I am to have such a loving and loyal husband.
So you can see all is well with the Sutton Clan. Busy but Wonderful!
I love seeing the pictures. Like you said, even living so close I love to read your blog. See you on Thursday.
Dailan has Spiderman and Batman suits just like Gent's! They love to pretend don't they? It's so fun to read about your lives--and see the pictures of your children.
Hey Ruth!!! its kim! I was going through blogs and I found yours:) YEAH! Your kids are sooo funny. I love the dress up pictures. Oh and we have a blog too thebullockbunch.blogspot.com
I am so glad you moved to Pahrump. These pictures are too cute. I love the stories about Gent and his birthday...kids' excitement on their birthdays is so much fun. What a sweet family!
Sounds like you had a great anniversary! What a great husband!
The dress up pics are adorable. Your kids are so sweet. I never met Zion but she is a beautiful baby! I miss you guys.
I love having you here Ruth! I also love reading these blogs thanks for being such a good sister and friend:)
Sweet. Happy 6th. I'm glad you two found eachother--you're one of my role-model couples.
Happy birthday, Gent! I am glad to see that I am not the only one with a 3 year old who is way into superheros (Spiderman is Benjamin's favorite.)
Ruthie! I found your blog through Tia! I love it!
You can catch up with us too at:
Love ya!
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