Monday, August 25, 2008

New Callings

We've had a busy last few weeks, but who hasn't? Two weeks ago we traveled back to Utah for our cousin Jemaica's Wedding. It was beautiful and we enjoyed seeing all of Tim's side of our family. I'm so blessed to have in-laws that I love so much!! They really go out of their way to make sure we feel there love. I wish every one was as lucky.

Ellie, Gent and Zion loved seeing all their Utah cousins and Oma and Opa. They got a ton of love and attention. Ellie loved seeing Jemaica in her wedding dress and can't wait until she can wear one of her own (Which according to time will be 30 years down the road). Gent now insists on dressing himself (it doesn't bother him one bit if its inside out and backwards or if he is wearing a sweatshirt in 105 degree weather). Zion is crawling (very slow) now and saying Ma-Ma (but only when she's upset and crying).

Tim got a new computer for a graduation present from his Uncle Dan and Aunt Traudi. He actually received money and got to pick out whatever he wanted with it. A computer and Guitar Hero was what he wanted. He wanted to make sure it was something the whole family could enjoy as well. That's my Tim...always thoughtful. It is nice having a bigger screen and more space on the hard drive for digi scraping!!

We came home a day early from Utah so we could be here for Church on Sunday. Tim got called and sustained the Sunday before for his new calling as Ward Mission Leader but they gave me two weeks to get everything set for my new calling. So last Sunday I was sustained as Young Women's president. I was a little surprised at first since it has been over 12 years since I've even been in a ward with Young Women, but I am now feeling the excitement and love for the girls and leaders I will get to serve with. I am so grateful for the leadership callings in my previous ward that prepared me for this calling. I can remember what my old Bishop said when he asked me to be Relief Society President. "Pretty much every women in this ward is qualified for this calling, but Heavenly Father wants you here for this time". It was humbling to hear that, but I am now glad for the experience getting to lead in Relief Society. I feel a little more confident because of it. I know that it will be different and that it's still going to be hard, but the girls are so dang fun, and the leaders are sooo great (and full of experience), that its going to be enjoyably hard. I love that I have Katherine, Shanda, and Mindie to get great advice from!

The weather is hot, but we still manage our family walks at least once a week to the dog park. Penny loves her free time to run around on actual grass. The kids love spending their time either chatting it up with their parents, chasing penny around the Play ground, or running through the sprinklers that happen to be on almost every time we visit the park.


PeavoyMom said...

Wow, congrats on your callings! That is just craziness! I would be scared out of my skirt!

Megan said...

Good luck with your callings, you will be GREAT I am sure. Your kids are looking so big and cute, wish we could have seen you in Utah as well ;)

Ali Mae Johnson said...

YW pres... doesn't surprize me one bit. I can't believe how big the kids are getting. Hope all is well. You are amazing.

Vanessa said...

Young Women leader what fun!!!
Although I thought for sure you were going to say you were In the Releif Society Pres.

Who did you call as your counslors?

Brittney said...

I think you were a great relief society president. You and Tim are both inspiring people. Your smiles and kindness are good examples. I bet the young women will love you and will learn a lot from you.

Chelsea said...

Yeah - I love updates! I'm not surprised that you & Tim were snatched up so fast for those big callings - you're both incredible. I can TOTALLY see you as YW president - so fun! I'm sure the girls already adore you. Can't believe Zion is already crawling - seems like yesterday she was born! We miss you guys a ton - we'll need to call soon and catch up!

Linda said...

You are going to be an awesome YW's President. They will love you and your example. It was good to see your mom and dad at Education Week. Sure missed you, though! Love ya.

Emily said...

I'm glad to hear things are going so well. Sounds like you've been having lots of fun. You'll be an awesome YW President! The girls have lots they can learn from you.

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