We've got it. Internet that is. With out it I feel like I'm disconnected from the world. We've actually had it for a week now, but because of all the catch up in other areas of my life, I haven't had a chance to update my blog. So I have a feeling this post will be a long one. I'll try my best catching you up on all the latest and greatest. Buckle up kids. It's going to be a long one. Here goes...
1. Yes we are finally all moved into the house. Only one more project to tackle before I can say I've unpacked every last box. The project? My closet. Because it's the last place anyone (besides my husband and I) look at, it was the last on my list. Today will be the day!!!
2. We've adopted. My Sister Debbie decided she wanted to give us a fantastic home warming gift. It's a dog and the sweetest one ever. Debbie got the dog (Penny) for their family a little over a year ago and decided it needed just a little more attention then they were able to give her. Tim and the kids were ecstatic about it. I had to get myself a little more prepped for the commitment. Now I know why my mom was always so hesitant in letting us bring home animals to keep. They are a lot of work...and mostly for the mothers of the house. I'm glad we have her. She fits in perfectly with our family. Because of all the training Debbie put into Penny before we got her, she is a (almost) perfect house dog.

3. Ellie can now hold her breathe under water. It may only be for a half a second, with only half her head submerged, but that is a big one for her. She took her first round of swim lessons this summer. She was lucky enough to be in the same class as three of her cousins, Taylor, Makayla, and Alyssa.
4.Gent got his first summer time buzz. Not on purpose though. He just couldn't stay still. He started crying when he looked in the mirror, but stopped as soon as his Dad told him he looked like Ang the Avatar. Gent is also getting interested in potty training. Hey anything in that direction is an accomplishment! If you have any suggestions, feel free to share.
1. Yes we are finally all moved into the house. Only one more project to tackle before I can say I've unpacked every last box. The project? My closet. Because it's the last place anyone (besides my husband and I) look at, it was the last on my list. Today will be the day!!!
2. We've adopted. My Sister Debbie decided she wanted to give us a fantastic home warming gift. It's a dog and the sweetest one ever. Debbie got the dog (Penny) for their family a little over a year ago and decided it needed just a little more attention then they were able to give her. Tim and the kids were ecstatic about it. I had to get myself a little more prepped for the commitment. Now I know why my mom was always so hesitant in letting us bring home animals to keep. They are a lot of work...and mostly for the mothers of the house. I'm glad we have her. She fits in perfectly with our family. Because of all the training Debbie put into Penny before we got her, she is a (almost) perfect house dog.

3. Ellie can now hold her breathe under water. It may only be for a half a second, with only half her head submerged, but that is a big one for her. She took her first round of swim lessons this summer. She was lucky enough to be in the same class as three of her cousins, Taylor, Makayla, and Alyssa.
4.Gent got his first summer time buzz. Not on purpose though. He just couldn't stay still. He started crying when he looked in the mirror, but stopped as soon as his Dad told him he looked like Ang the Avatar. Gent is also getting interested in potty training. Hey anything in that direction is an accomplishment! If you have any suggestions, feel free to share.
5. Zion is a rolling, squealing, smiling, johnny-jump-up maniac. She is just such a joy. Way easier then any baby should be.
6. Tim still loves his job. He just started his first jury trial today. I ran into Judge Lane (Tim's boss) at Church on Sunday and he said that he believes that Tim is the best law clerk they have ever had. Tim said this was a major compliment since Judge lane doesn’t give compliments too freely.
7.I've got my piano! This has always been the first thing I wanted to get when we bought and moved into our first home. Thanks Tim for letting me buy a piano. I really do have one of the best husbands ever.
7.I've got my piano! This has always been the first thing I wanted to get when we bought and moved into our first home. Thanks Tim for letting me buy a piano. I really do have one of the best husbands ever.

8. We love our new church ward. Everyone is friendly and we've been given plenty of opportunities to serve already. I've played the piano four times (once in Primary, twice in Relief Society, and once for Sacrament), we've subbed in Nursery twice and gave talks last Sunday. For only being in the ward for four weeks it’s not too bad.
Well that's our latest and greatest in a nutshell.
WOW Ruth! SO much great fun stuff! Kate would be so jealous of you new DOG! That would be her first purchase when we get a house! I love the piano, it's beautiful! Your kids look so big and so happy. I wish/hope we can come see your place some time.
Welcome Back! We love having you live here. It is so fun. Thanks for the update.
Ruthie, I'm so glad you commented on my blog and that you updated yours. I kept checking it. Sounds like life is rolling along for you on the down hill slope--that's good, huh. You've paid your dues and now is the payoff! Your babies are so beautiful. I'm glad I get to see their smiling faces whenever I go to Ruth's life in a nutshell! Are you going to Utah in August? Hug those little ones for me. Love, Aunt Linda
YOu got a dog?!? So hilarious don't tell Dillan he'll be like, "Ruth and Tim have a dog, why can't we?" So anyways your kids are so grown up and gent looks like a little man now. Oh so fun I can't wait to come and visit you! OH the email address on my comments and our blog address is different. Our blog address is dillan-christensenfamily.blogspot.com
hey ruth! Good to hear an update, your kids are so adorable!! Your dog looks like a good pet also! Congrats on the new house, it sure does feel good to get all moved in doesn't it?
Great to find your blog, and see your new house! Keep up the good work Ruth, I don't know how you girls do all you do!
Wow! I can't believe how big your kids are. I wanted to cry when I saw Gent. He looks so old and I'm missing it. I love you guys so much and I can't tell you how much I miss you. Pahrump, here we come. The heat is looking less and less like an obstacle. :)
I was told that the best way to potty train little boys is to teach them to pee on a fence. :) Good luck!
Hey Ruth,
I can't believe how big Gent has gotten. All your kids are beautiful. Enjoyed reading your blog. Glad you guys are settled:)
Emily Huckaby
Glad to hear things are well! Your kids are too dang cute!!
Yeah - I was so excited to see an update! I called Michael into the room and we read it together! seems like everything is going so well for you guys - and you totally deserve it! The kids are getting SO big and they are as cute as ever! I'm totally so jealous you have a piano - I'm the same way, it's the first big thing I want to buy once we get into a home!!! And I think that is so awesome that the dog's name is Penny - what are we going do without you guys when Lost starts?!?! :)
Oh - and we're both so proud of Tim - we knew he would do awesome at his job. Of course they think he is the best clerk ever!
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